On Saturday November 12, 2022 we served an amazing "Breakfast for Dinner" menu for 35 residents and staff at the Winchester Area Temporary Thermal Shelter. The residents rarely get a big home cooked country style breakfast so we wanted to surprise them with everything possible for this menu. On the menu was Sausage Gravy, Chipped Beef Gravy, Pancakes, Biscuits, Scrambled Eggs, Kuntzler Bacon, Tator Totts, Cinnamon Apples, Cinnamon Rolls, Orange Juice, Coffee, Water and Tea. You should have seen their faces and how surprised they were with all these fixings. Many came back for 2nd and 3rd helpings. We did have left overs so we were able to leave those for them to have a great breakfast the next morning also. Many donors and volunteers came together to make this special dinner happen. This was our 2nd year doing this and we hope to make this a annual tradition for our organization in Memory of Kevin whom loved feeding the homeless himself.